Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science which deals with creating smart components which are systems capable of reasoning, learning and acting independently. AI researches have been quite successful in developing influential techniques for solving a wide range of problems.
There are several fields of AI dealing with their own special techniques and concerns. Some of the most important aspects of AI are as follows:

  • Machine Learning: Machine learning (ML) is a type of AI which allows computers to learn from data without explicit supervision. ML algorithms are used in a wide range of programs such as malware filtering, fraud detection and image recognition.
  • Natural Language Process: Natural Language Process (NLP) is a field of AI which deals with the interactions between computer and human language. In NLP applications, different methods such as speech recognition, machine translation and text analysis are used.
  • Machine Vision: In machine vision, content perception from images and videos is performed. Machine vision techniques are employed in diverse applications such as self-driving vehicles, face recognition and medical imaging

Artificial intelligence is a rapidly growing field and has the capability to revolutionize many of the aspects of our lives. The Prime Co. with its valuable experiences and educated experts is active in different parts of AI, and is ready to collaborate with governmental organizations, private sector companies and any business owners to research, develop, consult on and implement products in this area.